Biomass Briquette Ash

Biomass briquette ash is produced in two ways; during the combustion process when fly ash is released into the air and as a residue of the briquettes. The amount of ash released depends on the kind of matter used to make them. Different agro forestry wastes give different ash contents and the lower the ash content the better for the environment and the more efficient the raw material.
biomass briquette ash
When one compares coal and biomass briquettes, the biomass ones have less ash content of about 2-9% compared to 25-39% found in coal. This analysis confirms that biomass is more efficient in combustion than coal, this is due to its higher volatile matter. Another vital point to note is that there is no fly ash in burning briquettes. It only leaves white ash and no carbon.

Biomass products are eco-friendly because they are produced from agricultural and forest waste. They are pollution free and have low ash as a bi product. There are no toxins in terms of fuel gases because sulphur is not present.

Biomass briquettes are more economical than other fuels because they have, low ash content and have high density matter. They are easy to handle, transport and store. This makes them the more preferred source of renewable energy.

The biomass briquette ash produced during combustion has made it a safe source of energy.

Posted in Biomass Briquetting Machines|Presses by biomass briquette machine at March 2nd, 2012.